Error getting file information: Error renaming a file: Error deleting a file: Failure stack is empty! Ran out of memory loading LEDs. Please try restarting the application with more memory. Error creating critical swapfile: Error writing to disk: Error loading saved game: Error creating the Prefs file: Error setting channel volume. Error loading string! Error loading sound! Failed to load help scrollbar. Please restart application. Failed to initialize help text. Please restart application. Failed to load help styled text. Please restart application. Failed to load help text. Please restart application. Failed to load help dialog. Please restart application. Critical Game information resource not found! Error Opening Plot D File. Error Opening Plot C File. Error Opening Plot B File. Error Opening Plot A File. Error locating the main DEMO file. Error Opening Templates File. Error Opening Sounds File. Error Opening Interface File. Error Opening Graphics File. Couldn't load the keyset dialog. Try restarting the application. There are no keysets in the application. Couldn't build the keyset menu. Try restarting the application. Couldn't allocate the viewport -- not enough memory to play! This game requires an 8-bit (256 color) monitor. This game requires a 68020 or newer processor. This game requires System 6.0.7 or later. This game requires 32-bit QuickDraw. Couldn't find a necessary resource in the application! Error opening fork of file on disk. Error opening file on disk. Ran out of memory reloading overlay graphic. Please try restarting the application with more memory. Couldn't create a needed offscreen. Ran out of memory loading a picture. Please try restarting the application with more memory. Couldn't load needed resource! Error setting screen to 256 colors. Your main monitor must be at least a 13-inch monitor (640x480 pixels). Your main monitor is not capable of displaying 256 colors (8-bit color). Your main monitor must be at least a 13-inch monitor (640x480 pixels) and capable of displaying 256 colors (8-bit color). You must pick a screen to play on. Couldn't load a necessary application resource. Not enough memory to run. Sensory Overload requires a minimum of 2.5M RAM be allocated to the game. Ran out of memory drawing purgeable picture. Please try restarting the application with more memory. Ran out of memory loading purgeable picture. Please try restarting the application with more memory. Ran out of memory allocating critical offscreen. Please try restarting the application with more memory. Couldn't allocate key mappings table. Please try restarting the application with more memory. Ran out of memory trying to load a graphic. Please try restarting the application with more memory. Ran out of memory allocating resources. Please try restarting the application with more memory. Sound Manager 3.0 or greater required for music playback. Couldn't enable music playback (out of memory?). Sound channels are not available. Sound has been turned off. The System on your Macintosh cannot allocate enough memory to allow sound playback. The game will proceed without music or sound effects. Refer to the Troubleshooting section of the on-line Help for simple tips to enable sound playback. An unrecoverable error has occurred. Please restart the application. Ran out of memory. Please try restarting the application with more memory. One of the game files is corrupt. Please try a different SaveGame file, or re-install from your original disks. Unknown error. Volume is locked. File is locked. Disk is write-protected. Not enough disk space. Out of memory.